Writings on software development, particularly Ruby, Rails, and Hotwire.
Electronic Signatures with Rails
I was recently exploring electronic signature solutions for a client project and found a nice approach using Stimulus, Active Storage, and Signature Pad. I investigated several Javascript signature libraries and found Signature Pad to have the smoothest looking signatures, with a solid API. My goal was to wrap a good...
Upgrading a Rails App to Tailwind v4
Last week, I upgraded a client's Rails app to Tailwind v4. I rarely delay upgrading dependencies, but after briefly looking through the release notes on Tailwind v4 when it first came out, I decided I would hold off for a bit on most of my projects. (I also tend to...
Stimulus Autocomplete with Combobox Navigation
I've been slowly migrating a client's Rails app from jQuery and UJS to Hotwire in between feature work. One of the last remaining pieces has been replacing jQuery UI Autocomplete, a pretty common library to see in web applications of a certain age. A Digression For this particular use-case, the...
Adding Meta Tags to a Rails CMS with Polymorphism
There are pros and cons to building CMS functionality into your Rails app. It can be easy to forget important aspects, like SEO and Open Graph. Here's an approach to addressing both using polymorphism and the MetaTags gem.
Time Tracking for Freelance Developers
Time tracking is terribly mundane. But if you charge by the hour, or need to account for how you spend your work day, it's absolutely essential.
Audit Logging in Rails
Need to add audit logging to your Rails application? In this post, I review five popular Ruby gems you can use, walk through rolling your own solution, and share some recommendations about what solution to choose.
Full Text Search in Postgres with View-Backed Models in Rails
Here's a fast way to add full text search across multiple AR models using the PgSearch and Scenic gems, while also surfacing a distinct domain concept in your Rails application.
GitHub Issue-style File Uploader Using Stimulus and Active Storage
I recently built a drag-and-drop and copy-and-paste file uploader for Markdown (like GitHub’s editor) using Stimulus and Active Storage. Check out the code and my write up on it.
Migrating from Webpacker to the New Bundling Approach
You may have heard that Rails 7 will have three great answers to Javascript in 2021. Well, you don’t have to wait until Rails 7 is released to switch from webpacker to the new, simpler bundling approach, using jsbundling-rails and cssbundling-rails.
Managing Sidekiq Processes with Upstart
I normally use resque for background jobs in Rails (with capistrano-resque for managing resque processes). But I decided to switch to Sidekiq on a new application. I spent some time familiarizing myself with the best practices and came across this post by Mike Perham, Sidekiq's author. The best and most...
Better SQL in Ruby with the sql_query gem
I've been writing a lot of SQL lately, as evidenced by my last couple posts. I was working on a particularly long query the other day when I thought, "it would be nice I could write SQL using partials to manage duplicated logic." One quick Google search confirmed I was...
Returning The Greater of Two Date Fields, Where Either Could Be NULL
In keeping with SQL tricks I wrote about a few days ago, here's another technique that I've found useful recently. Let's say you want to return the greater of two date fields in your result set. If you know that both fields will contain a date, then you can simply...
Handy SQL Functions For Self-Referencing Tables
I have a client that uses NetSuite, a cloud-based CRM/ERP system. NetSuite records customer information in a datbase table called (surprise!) . The table is self-referencing, so you can have with many by setting the on the subcustomer records to the on the customer record. When we originally set up...
Five Types of Internal Documentation Needed for Software Teams
As I see it, there are five types of internal documentation needed for software teams. (Often, a software team will produce external documentation for their end users, in the form of a help section, user guides, or a searchable knowledge base. But the following are categories of documentation I see...
Using the Dentaku Gem to Manage Business Policies Outside of Your Codebase
I was reading The Pragmatic Programmer recently, and was struck by something I hadn't considered before. Be sure not to confuse requirements that are fixed, inviolate laws with those that are merely policies that might change with a new management regime. That's why we use the term semantic invariants—it must...
Client Collaboration
Professional web design is always collaborative. Even if you are the sole designer or developer on a project, you are in collaboration with your client. What you create together will always be constrained in some ways by your client, as it will also be constrained by you. I fought this...
Making Static Sites Dynamic...Somewhat
I'm kind of in love with static site generators (Middleman in particular). For marketing and informational sites that don't change very often, I get many of the benefits of my normal Rails framework development and deployment toolset, with a simpler, faster, and more secure final product. (It's just hard to...
A Reusable SJR Approach in Rails
I was recently working on a Rails client project where certain pages needed to display various record types and each collection of records needed to be listed on the page, and needed to be editable in-place. So for example, let's say a company had associated contacts, products, and locations. On...
Managing Redirects in Middleman
If you need to maintain redirects for old pages in a Middleman site, you can do so by adding something like this to your config file: If you've only got a few redirects, this isn't too bad. But if you have dozens or hundreds, all those redirect calls makes reading...
Table of Contents Helper for Markdown in Middleman
For pages on your site with a lot of content, it can be nice to have sidebar navigation with a Table of Contents for the page. If you're using Middleman with Markdown content, here's a way you can do that. 1. Use the redcarpet gem to render Markdown for your...
DRYing up Nginx configurations
I have a web server that hosts quite a few Middleman sites via Nginx. Since the sites are very similar, their Nginx configuration is largely the same. I recently moved common configurations into a separate include file, which has made it easier to understand the differences between site configuration files,...
Poor man’s inbound email processing in Rails with the Mail gem and Gmail
Most Rails developers seem to be using transactional email services to handle their inbound email processing needs these days. See services like Postmark, SendGrid, and Mandrill, which can all send webhook requests to your application whenever an email is received. But what if you're on a limited budget, or can't...
Custom currency input for Simple Form
Today, I was moving a standard Rails form to Simple Form and realized that one of the form inputs is actually a Bootstrap input group, with an add-on at the beginning of the input field with the proper currency symbol. There’s no built-in way to replicate this with...
How to mark optional form fields with Simple Form
Simple Form is a powerful gem for creating forms in Rails. For instance, Simple Form can look at your form object and display fields as “required” if they have validations on them, rather than you hard-coding that in the markup. By default, Simple Form will prepend required field labels...
Auto-generate navigation from page headers in Middleman
I’m working on a Middleman site right now that has one long page of content with a sidebar of navigation that links to the headers and sub-headers found on the page. (Underscore.js is a good example of this.) This is a common style for technical documentation sites these days. I...
A simple interface for the controller context in your Rails app
Oftentimes in a Rails app, you namespace your controllers based on the context. will namespace all your admin controllers, may namespace all the controllers in your members-only area. Have you ever needed to know the namespace context in your layout? Here’s a simple interface you can use: First, drop the...
How to add High Voltage static pages to your sitemap file
High Voltage is a fantastic gem for adding static pages to your Rails app. I’m using it extensively on a project that has a large number of static, style-heavy pages that don’t make sense to serve from the database. The other day my client asked me to add a...
Active Record enum form select
I’ve been enjoying the new Active Record enums in Rails 4.1. But I haven’t found a nice way to represent the enum options in a form select. So, I wrote a couple small helper methods that I put in application_helper.rb: ```ruby def optionsfromenumforselect(instance, enum) optionsforselect(enum_collection(instance, enum), instance.send(enum)) end def...
Get a word count from your Rails app views
I needed a way to calculate the number of words in a Rails application’s views, to estimate the cost of translating the content to another language. Pass this script the path to your views directory (or a subdirectory) to get a word count. ```ruby !/usr/bin/env ruby require "action_view" require "fileutils"...
A Tumblr Theme Development Workflow
This site has been running on Tumblr for a while now and, while I love using Tumblr for posting content, I’ve found theme development to be frustrating and tedious, particularly with trying to manage asset files. I’m used to single-command site deployment, so going back to copy-and-paste and manual file...
Simple Site-wide Announcements in Rails
I recently needed the ability to post site-wide announcements on a multi-tenant Rails application I work on, to announce scheduled downtime. Most solutions I’ve seen call for the creation of an announcements model and database table. It seemed a bit much to be querying an announcements table with every page...
Devise & CAS, using devise_cas_authenticatable and CASino
I work on a multi-tenant Rails application that serves four different sites (,,, from a single instance. The user accounts are not constrained to a single site, so a user can log in to any one of the sites with the same credentials. The business owners asked...
Rails AJAX Forms & Geocoding with Google
If you’ve done geocoding using Google’s APIs lately, you know that the best practice nowadays is to geocode on the client side and pass your latitude/longitude coordinates to the server, rather than having the server make the geocode request. Google caps the number of geocode requests based on IP to...
Setting up multiple instances of Redis on a Mac
I'm using Redis on a project and couldn't find a good guide for setting up multiple instances on a Mac. So, I decided to write up how I did it. (You might want this if you need one instance for development and a separate instance for running your test suite.)...
Pow Awesomeness for PHP & Static Sites
I recently started using Pow for my Rails apps in development. Pow is a "zero-config Rack server for Mac OS X" that makes it a cinch to access your Rails apps by individual host name and without having to futz with /etc/hosts or funky ports. Just create a quick symlink...